The evolvement of yoga has come a long way.

Traditionally, yoga started out as just a seated meditation, and now… there is goat yoga!

Needless to say, there is a yoga class for everyone.

Whether you want to pump it out in a high energy class or chant “om” to candlelight, you’ll still receive the numerous benefits of a yoga class.

You just need to find the right one.

Take this quiz to see what style of yoga naturally aligns with your personality and lifestyle.


Yoga Quiz: What Type Of Yoga Is For Me?


1. How do you like your day to be structured?

A. I am type A so I follow my to-do list and complete each task meticulously. No detail is left behind.

B. I prefer a sequence of events, but can roll with the punches and reprioritize if necessary.

C. I’m on the go. I move fast and thrive in spontaneous challenges.

D. A routine is my jam. I like to know my day ahead of time.

E. I like routine but I tend to focus on tasks that make me feel great.

F. I’m fine with whatever as long as I take a nap after lunch


2. How would your friends describe you?

A. Detail-oriented.

B. A go-with-the-flow kind of person.

C. A spit-fire.

D. Disciplined.

E. Thoughtful and calm.

F. Very chill. Not a whole lot bothers me.


3. How often do you workout?

A. I go in spurts. When I find something I love, I work it until it’s done.

B. A few times a week, when my schedule allows

C. Daily

E. I have a schedule and I stick to it. It can be anywhere between 1-5 times a week.

F. I think I’m ok if I sweat a few times a month

G. My cardio is a slow walk. Whenever I can do that, it works for me.

4. What’s your reaction to heat?

A. Room temperature wherever I go is ideal.

B. A sunny 75-degree day is perfect. Not too hot and not too cold.

C. I can handle the heat, but only for a while. Then I need some AC.

D. The more heat the better! I love to be warm.

E. If I want to be warm, I’ll make it happen. I adapt to my environment.

F. If a blanket is what is keeping me warm, I’m down.


5. When you go to sleep at night, how do you want to feel?

A. Aligned and fulfilled that I made progress on my goals.

B. Full of gratitude. I was present for everything I did today.

C. Rung out and full of newfound energy. I can’t wait to take on tomorrow.

D. Accomplished. I completed everything I needed today on my to-do list.

E. Grounded and full of clarity.

F. Peaceful. I am completely relaxed and content.


6. On a long plane ride, what’s playing in your headphones?

A. Silence is golden, I just want to hear myself breathe.

B. A podcast to feel a connection to an inspiring story.

C. I rock out. Bring on the jams.

D. I love to listen to my favorite audiobook, again and again, to pick up new things each time.

E. I listen to affirmations or chants. I’m working on my mental game.

F. Meditation music to sleep is perfect.


7. You always wear…

A. I have looks that match head to toe, totally coordinated.

B. I am all over the board, I like to change it up

C. The latest and greatest trends, I love loud and bold

D. I have my go-to uniform, I always wear the same look every day.

E. Soft and flowy pieces. I love white and serene looks.

F. Yoga pants, comfort is fashion


8. How do you physically feel?

A. I have a few aches and pains; I could use some healing.

B. It feels good. No injuries or concerns. But I could use some energy in my body.

C. My muscles have the energy to burn. I feel like I could do CrossFit right now.

D. Tight and stiff. A warm sauna would be perfect to loosen up.

E. My body is fine. But my mind is exhausted. I just need to sit and find some peace of mind.

F. I feel tight in my shoulders, hips, and hamstrings. A good stretch would do me good.

The Results Are In!

Mostly A’s

Iyengar Yoga is for you!

Iyengar yoga (pronounced “eye-yen-gar”) is one of the more traditional forms of yoga that focuses on strong alignment of the physical body through the use of props (think lots of blocks and straps). The attention to detail in this class is paramount to ensure the body is properly moving into the postures safely and practicing through repetition. This class will challenge your body and breath to have the patience to stick with the posture.

Mostly B’s

It’s time to flow, find your nearest vinyasa class.

Vinyasa yoga (pronounced “Vin-yah-sah”) is a yoga practice with lots of movement. In fact, “vinyasa” translates to mean “to place with intention”. In a vinyasa class, you can expect to move with your breath in a flowy dance-like way to gentle music. The focus on breath to movement will leave you in a meditative state in your final savasana (corpse pose) with your body feeling stretched and strengthened. Each class is different and will vary by the teacher. But overall, you can expect a well-rounded class with an anatomical focus or a build-up to a peak posture.

Mostly C’s

You love a good challenge and to sweat. Power Vinyasa, Yoga Sculpt or Acro yoga is in your future.

Similar to a Vinyasa class, Power Vinyasa focuses on the breath to movement but will often incorporate more heat, faster movement, and unique transitions to challenge the body and get out of your head.

Yoga Sculpt is a new variation of yoga that is taking yoga studios by storm. Incorporating weights into a structured and straight-forward flow practice. You’ll work your entire body through mini intense cardio bursts and end in a resting savasana. Often high-energy music is played and class participation is encouraged to count down together to motivate your fellow yogi next to you. It’s like a yoga party in every class.

Acro yoga is another newer form of yoga that has everyone watching the yogi’s in awe as they balance in advanced postures through the use of another yogi partner. Think holding a handstand on someone else’s feet in the air! The physical strength of acrobatics and the focus of breath will challenge you in a fresh and new way while learning to trust your partner in crime. This practice is great to do anywhere and is not confined to studio walls. Acro yoga on the beach anyone?

Mostly D’s

You’re a creature of habit. Routine and discipline will be found for you in Ashtanga, Hot or Bikram yoga.

Ashtanga yoga is rooted in yoga history and involves a structured rigorous routine that is done in the same sequence every time. The sequence itself is much like a vinyasa class, where you move with your breath, the biggest difference is the same postures happen in the same sequence every time. This practice is great for building strength and muscle memory in the body and working through discipline to advance on to the next set of postures. You will feel strong and worked after completing this class.

Hot Yoga and Bikram Yoga are very similar practices with the same 26 postures and two breathing exercises performed within every class. The main difference being Bikram is trademarked by Choudhury Bikram, a well-known yoga teacher, from his school of yoga. Expect routine and definitely expect to sweat as the room is heated to 105 degrees. The sequence moves in a more structured form where you do a posture, rest, and then repeat. It’s a physically awesome workout and will challenge your mind to stay calm and focused in the room.

Mostly E’s

You love a good mental game and self-care. Kundalini yoga will serve you well.

Kundalini yoga is pure magic to unlock blocked energy in your body. Through the practice of physical postures, breathwork, and sometimes chants or mantras, Kundalini yoga focuses on balancing the chakras and practicing repetitive postures, movement, and breathwork (known as Kriyas). The result is leaving the class with a physical workout and a clear mind.

Mostly F’s

It’s time to relax and breathe deep. A Yin or Restorative practice will feel like a dream in your body.

If you think taking a nap is energizing, then get ready for the time of your life in a Yin or Restorative yoga class. In a non-heated room, filled with blankets, bolsters, and blocks all around your mat, a Yin or Restorative practice uses props to hold the body in postures for multiple minutes. The use of props releases tension in the muscles so they can soften and relax and properly stretch out. Meditative music is played to bring you into your own spa-like atmosphere and you leave the class feeling refreshed, stretched, and completely zen’d out. This class is a great balance to any more active exercises (yoga or not) to take care of your muscles and fascia in the body.

Bonus Yoga Type – Hatha

I feel obligated to add in one more, Hatha yoga. Pronounced “hot-ha”, Hatha yoga is more of an umbrella type of yoga that includes any yoga practice with physical movement. When classes are listed on the schedule as Hatha, expect a well-rounded class that moves slower and is great for setting a strong base for some of yoga’s more traditional postures.

All yoga practices will do the job of yoga, and that is to calm your mind and leave your body better than when it started the class. Whatever your lifestyle or preferences may be, mixing up the type of yoga you practice can greatly benefit you to not only expand your physical capabilities, but your mental one as well.

And at the end of each class, no matter the type, we all agree that we are connected by saying, “namaste.”