Have you ever looked for a more accelerated way of understanding something by reading a cheat sheet or cliff notes to instantly know the details of what matters most?
Me too.
In some scenarios, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
And today is one of those scenarios.
I am going to let you in on a secret that will transform how you do 99% of the asanas (postures) on your mat. It’s a posture that is arguably THE most important of all postures.
But first, you need to understand the concept of a “blueprint.”
The Importance Of A Blueprint
A “blueprint” is a guide for how to build something. Just think of an architect’s sketch for a building or even a business plan for how a business will be profitable.
A blueprint is an inside scoop to all the details of how something will work and be successful.
It’s what connects the HOW to build something to the WHAT you’ve built.
Oh, girl, it’s the same in yoga too.
And there is one iconic posture that serves as a “blueprint” above all other postures because of the foundation it sets to make any other posture, including the bigger and more advanced postures that much easier.
It’s the cliff note version of postures. Once you know this one it will be your cheat sheet moving forward.
Are you ready for it?

THIS Is Arguably The Most Important Posture In Yoga
It’s Tadasana, Mountain Pose.
After 10 years of teaching yoga, trust me on this one.
Tadasana is present in almost all of the postures we do on our mats. It “blueprints” other postures to serve as a map of how to be strong in present in them.
Think about these common yoga postures:
- Crescent lunge – the upper body is Tadasana
- Handstand – this one is obvious, it’s Tadasana upside down.
- Tree Pose – This is Tadasana with one leg lifted.
- Downward Facing Dog – This is Tadasana with a bend at your hip.
- Hight Plank – is Tadasana facing the ground.
- Side Plank – is Tadasana on its side.
- Warrior 1 – the upper body is Tadasana
Do you see what I mean?
And it’s because Tadasana holds so much power that it pops up in all of these postures, and so many more, to invite balance, strength, and awareness to them.
(And just know it also blueprints itself in your life too. Keep reading.)
The Power Of Tadasana, Mountain Pose
Now some may say that this is the easiest posture in the book. You’re just standing there, right?

Tadasana represents the strength of a mountain within you. It’s so much more than what most people think.
Let’s break this down. And like all postures, let’s start with your feet.
- Ground your feet down THROUGH your mat. In fact, ground through the floor, the earth even! Allow yourself to feel anchored down. It’s with this much intention and strength that will hold you in Dancer’s Pose for minutes.
- Engage your legs by pulling up on your knee caps, just as you would in Warrior 3.
- Tuck your tailbone underneath you to lengthen the base of your spine, similar to how you do in Chair Pose.
- Draw your belly in to meet your spine, the exact same engagement as you use in Crow Pose or any other arm balance.
- Spread your fingertips wide to engage even the smallest part of your body to be present, similar to your hands in Forearm Stand.
- Soften your shoulders down your back to lengthen your neck, just like we do in every other posture!
- Tuck your chin slightly and lengthen up through the crown of your head. Think as much as you are grounding down through your feet you are growing tall. This alone will give you outstanding posture and prepares you for Handstand.
- The alignment in Tadasana, prepares you for all of these other postures. And most importantly, it brings awareness to your body in the most subtle way just as we want to do during Savasana, Corpse Pose.
Do you see the magic behind this often-over-looked posture?
Mentally, this posture invites you to find balance from top to bottom, front and back and left to right. The idea of standing strong like a mountain is to be proud of your foundation and everything that you have built on top of it.
Tadasana is everything!
With every posture that you do in your next yoga class, see where Tadasana is in all of them. This is my challenge to you.
And like I said, once you physically see it in your body through all of the postures we’ve listed, the same concept applies to life at home.

The Power Of Tadasana, Mountain Pose In Life
So, friend, what is your own personal blueprint? What is the foundation that you can build upon to make you feel strong, balanced, and aware?
Just how Tadasana blueprints for so many other postures to build from to feel the same way, even when you’re upside down or balancing on your hands.
Here are a few ideas for you to consider.
A morning routine. During the quiet time that you spend with just yourself, this blueprint can set the tone for your day for you to build from. You can set intentions to guide your daily decisions, meditate to invite a sense of calm for a busy day ahead, and then maybe move your body a bit to build physical strength to keep you strong.
(In my opinion, this is one of the best blueprints for yourself).
Here’s another.
Build a meal plan for the week. This blueprint will give you HOW to eat clean and healthy for the days to come. So, as the days pass, you’re executing the foundation you set to feel healthy.
And another one.
Commit to a gratitude practice. At the end of each day, write down 3-5 things/people/places that you are grateful for. This practice sets the foundation for you to find gratitude during other parts of your day to make you feel happier and less stressed. You see the light more than the dark. This one works wonders!
A blueprint is a guide for how you will build something.
As long as your personal blueprint can anchor and ground you to establish a strong foundation for you to build upon, you’ll be on to greatness ahead.

Tadasana pops up in almost every single posture to remind you to be balanced, to engage your physical body and all the while be present and soft. You just have to see the cues within the other postures to invite these reminders in. The result is strength and confidence in even the most advanced postures.
Now that you know how important a blueprint is, and how easy it is to use and apply, what is your own personal blueprint at home?
Remember, it can and will give you strength and confidence with where you want to advance.
You just need to set your foundation and build from it.