You’ve heard of Namaste, Nama-slay, and nama-stay-in-bed. All of which have their own individual meaning, don’t be confused about that.
But have you wondered what the meaning behind one of the most common terms shared by yogis is? The word that instantly connects people to the idea of yoga, Namaste.
To really break this down, traditionally speaking in Sanskrit, Namas translates to meaning “bow” and te translates “to you”. So simply put, “I bow to you”.
But it goes deeper than that.
Why do we say Namaste?
In yoga classes, we commonly end class with “Namaste” as a way of saying thank you from the teacher to the students and the students to the teacher. Sometimes people may greet each other with it as a sign of hello, or respect.
These gestures are all done to acknowledge the teacher in all of us and the connection we all share in a higher power (some call it God, some the universe, whatever it is to you is perfect)
So, to peel one more layer off this onion, we are all teachers, we are all students, we are all connected.
(Namaste) – The light, the teacher, and the divine in me sees, honors, and acknowledges the light, the teacher, and the divine in you.
Again, we are all teachers, we are all students, we are all connected.

Everyone is a Teacher
What do you naturally know a lot about? What do other people ask you how to do something because you do it really well? When you share your knowledge, you’re teaching.
And we all have our own strengths. We all have different backgrounds and experiences we can share with others. And that is one of the beautiful things that make our modern-day world so interesting. Our personal knowledge in different topics, our cultural differences, and our own unique voices all contribute to each other’s growth in the world.
And we all have something more we can learn. We are not masters of the universe.
Everyone is a Student
Absorbing knowledge is so crucial for our growth. When we go on autopilot and do the same thing over and over again, our growth will quickly slow down.
The Yoga Citizen space has been a huge learning for me. I had zero experience in websites and the technical side of it all. But I sought out the people who did know and I learned from them.
Even with yoga, I am (of course) learning more and more every day. I read about yoga, I practice yoga with as many teachers as I can, I learn from my students in every class.
Always be a student.
And ask to learn more about what you don’t know.
Be open to idea’s, you never know who your next teacher will be. Watch this for a lesson or two. I give this girl a huge Namaste.
We are connected
We all have something to share, we all have something to learn. We are equals.
It is so empowering to accept this. To embrace what another can teach you, and honoring that.
Can you see how Namaste goes deeper than just saying thank you at the end of a yoga class? It’s seeing and respecting the gifts we ALL bring to the table.
To help give gratitude to the teachers in your life, consider this:
- Who in your life, that you are close to, teaches you things? It can be your kids, partner, or your local barista. Look for the gifts they share, even if they don’t realize it.
- What do you look to them for? And why?
- What is in your life that you are resisting? Often times what we resist, we need the most. It could be a great learning opportunity.
You are a teacher.
Always be a student.
Give gratitude.
Namaste, sweet friends.