Gratitude is like a muscle, the more we flex it, the happier we’ll be.
It’s honestly true.
Have you ever stopped to think about why gratitude gives you the feel-good vibes? Well, the simple answer is because you appreciate that person, place or thing. But that’s too easy.
Let’s take it one step farther to show how gratitude may impact you in ways you might now even realize.
4 Positive Ways Gratitude Makes You Happier
1. Gratitude is the foundation of humility
Name three things you are grateful for, big and/or small, and it just instantly has the ability to stop you in your tracks and smile.
Go on, try it!
Because when you are grateful for something, this implies that you appreciate something that has been given to you.
AKA, you’re in a state of abundance vs lacking.
And this is a quick reminder to take note of even the smallest things that have come into your life to give gratitude for, even the things you may not even notice. Such as the heat in your home, a warm cup of coffee, or a text from a friend.
You may not have all the things that you desire, but the same is true for everyone else.
Let gratitude ground you to accept what and where you are today and bow to all that you are not.
Because believe it or not, it’s ok to not have everything in the palm of your hand. What fun would life be then? Just imagine where you’ll be one day in the future, you will be different, you will want different things. Take a moment to tune into what is good now for you…today.
2. Gratitude can make you feel free
Coming back to the space of abundance, this part is critical to letting go of feeling that where you are is just not good enough (can we let that go, please?)
Because when we focus on what we are not, we invite the energy of the Ego in.
Here is an example:
- “What can’t I have the house that they do?”
- “I wish I was thinner.”
- “I’ll never be able to make that much money.”
Now flip it around and shift your thoughts to one of abundance.
- “I have a home that provides me shelter.”
- “My body is capable of breathing and living.”
- “I work hard for my money.”
Do you see the difference?
Rather than coming from a place of lacking, negativity, and feeling trapped, use gratitude to invite in abundance, positivity, and the freedom of what could be on the path before you.
You’ll be so much happier when you do.

3. Gratitude strengthens self-love
What would it feel like to love yourself the way you deserve to be loved? How would that change things?
Think of your favorite yoga posture. How does it make you feel? It could be Warrior II because it makes you feel strong. Or maybe it’s a supine twist because of the release you feel in your back.
No matter what posture you say, your body takes you into that posture. It’s physically capable of doing that. Show some love to your body.
Now, what kind of thoughts do you feed yourself? We all can be our “own worst critic.” But when we realize what we are capable of and where we are today vs where we came from, our perspective begins to shift.
We can see the progress we’ve made over the days, months, and years.
And it would be hard to not find gratitude in that. Show some love to your inner self.
Give yourself a break and love yourself for what you capable of, physically and mentally.
Love yourself like the love you deserve.
4. Gratitude in the present moment
It’s easy to find gratitude for someone or something that you connect with. But what about someone or something that challenges you?
This is when flexing your gratitude muscle really comes in handy.
If someone ruffles your feathers, you may not realize it at the time, but they are teaching you a lesson in some shape or form.
Can you give gratitude to them, even when you’re red in the face? Can you let something go without the snotty rebuttal to consider where they may be coming from?
Instead of holding onto the challenge and stressing over it, hold on to the lesson.
Are they teaching you a new perspective? Are they teaching you how you don’t like to be treated so you won’t treat others that way?
Who knows what will happen tomorrow, next week or next year. Allow yourself to surrender and experience the joy of where you are now, and bow to everything that you are not.
Flex your gratitude muscles, yogi.

The Yoga Citizen Gratitude Yoga Playlist – 60 min (click to open in Spotify)
The more we flex our gratitude muscle, the happier we’ll be.
1. Illuminar – Porangui
2. The Light – Sol Rising
3. Time (Prelude) – Justin Jay, Benny Bridges
4. Sweet Child – Alex Cruz, Gabbi Lieve
5. Pets – deadmau5
6. Pumpin Blood – Franne Remix – NONONO, Franne
7. North End Nightlife – Headphone Activist
8. What’s Going On – Marvin Gaye
9. Warm Foothills – alt-j
10. Surprise Yourself – Jack Garrett
11. Red Dust – James Vincent
11. Landslide – Robyn Sherwell
12. Semolina – Slow Meadow
13. Sacral Chakra – Beautiful Chorus